Monday, April 15, 2013

That little voice inside the head!

A or B, A or B, B or A !!!????!!!??

Should I be doing this or not!!?!???!!?

Lots of questions in life which need an answer, quite a number of choices to be made. Sometimes (most of the times) there is a small voice coming from the heart, or soul, or mind whatever you call it, which warns you from taking a jump. We are faced with tortuous moments, needing an urgent decision to be made, and a small voice helps make the decision.

And a later point, we realize how happy we were to have taken that decision. I’m sure this happens to most of us. Call it intuition, or instinct, the ladies – or the fairer sex have stronger one!

Right from smaller incidents in daily life to dire situations, there is a little voice guiding us all. Call its God’s way of speaking to us when faced with tough situations, or his way of indicating that something doesn’t bode well, God’s guidance never leaves us. No matter how hazy the path looks, the way will never be lost.

God is always there, as (s)He has always been.