
The field was founded on the claim that a central property of human beings, intelligence—the sapience of Homo sapiens—can be so precisely described that it can be simulated by a machine.This raises philosophical issues about the nature of the mind and limits of scientific hubris, issues which have been addressed by myth, fiction and philosophy since antiquity.Artificial intelligence has been the subject of breathtaking optimism, has suffered stunning setbacks and, today, has become an essential part of the technology industry, providing the heavy lifting for many of the most difficult problems in computer science.
AI research is highly technical and specialized..The first impression is amazin as it appears to be a wonderful solution to many problems these days.WOW!!.Intelligent computers, sensible machines....man has exploited his virtue of being a "brainy" animal to create an artificial world.He is busy creating a virtual world where machines,which initially wer built to lend him a hand at things he wsnt quite dextrous.But offlate, man has been using machines to such an extent that thinkin of a life widout machines..NO!!.unimaginable.We're livin in an era where we are nothing but slaves to machines..instead of accepting this fact,man goes on to create now,machines which can think for themselves..
Several futurists argue that artificial intelligence will transcend the limits of progress and fundamentally transform humanity. Sounds true!..indeed if we're gonna b so dependent on machines,if v're gonna let them master our world..we'd c our kind fading away in a ghastly darkness..
Technology can and will b a boon if used properly, but the moment man thinks of extending his reach fr happiness and luxuries, it'l end up being a bane for mankind.
....these are a just "a few" of the facts..asking you to wake up!Its time that you open your eyes and see the truth.The smoke caused by an individual doesnt only eat him up inside,it kills the others around him.
Smoking is something which attracts the youn a lot..passionate to give it a try, they fall prey to it.Smoking is addictive.Once fallen, it is difficult(but yea not impossible :) )..Many teens like the feeling that smoking gives them. This good feeling is from the nicotine in the cigarettes. Some teens think smoking will help them lose weight or stay thin. Many teens also feel like smoking gives them a sense of freedom and independence, and some smoke to feel more comfortable in social situations.Every time you inhale smoke from a cigarette, you kill some of the air sacks in your lungs, called alveoli. These air sacks are where the oxygen that you breathe in is transferred into your blood. Alveoli don't grow back, so when you destroy them, you have permanently destroyed part of your lungs. This means that you won't do as well in activities where breathing is important, like sports, dancing, or singing.Nicotine can make you feel good, but is feeling good (a feeling you can also get from healthy activities like playing sports) really worth all the bad things cigarettes do to you? If you smoke, you'll get sick more often. You also have the chance of getting lung cancer or emphysema, which will make you really sick for a long time before you die. If you are very sick, that good feeling from nicotine won't seem so important anymore.
Giving up on smoking may be difficult in the beginning, but seriously, nothing they say , is IMPOSSIBLE.Smoking kills, it indeed does.The only way to save ourselves and the people around us from the hands of this deadly demon is by Quitting it.So, lets say it together..NO to SMOKING!!
Money gives you Power, they say.Yea, you have the power to choose from which hotel or restaurant u want to eat out tonight. But none said, money gives you the power to waste food, when someone in some other part of the world is starving."Around 25000 ppl in the world die of hunger, EVERYDAY"..was the message of this touching film.Indeed, it touches one's heart to see, in a world where we have so many options, with a no. of choices to choose from, what remains the plight of these people.SAD.
Hunger may not only lead to deaths but also change the direction of one's life.He/she may resort to illegal and wrong ways of making a living.Apart from unemployment, food and hunger is one major problem the nations worldwide are facing today.
Truly, it's time time to fly and to touch the sky..!!
The Lead India campaign was started on January 1, 2007 by the Times of India with a motive of highlighting the present condition of India since independence.It was a mass movement for bringing a strong political and social change to Indian Democracy.It's been more than 60 years since we attained our independence.Like Mr Bacchhan says in the video, there are two Indias-one lurking in the depths of the past, unable to get its feet on the track of development and another India, quite sanguine about racing ahead to glory, to gain an epithet 'a Developed nation' rather than 'Developing' or a 'Third World nation' .
But 60 years, is no short span of time.Its time for a major political change, which would completely change our economic and social status. Its time that the the veterans of the nation take take a back seat and pass the strings into the hands of a younger and brighter India.We have a bunch of zappy Indians looking forward to take the nation to newer heights.Take for instance, Rahul Gandhi, Sachin Pilot, Priyanka Gandhi, Omar Abdullah, and many more.A leader having good education,ability to inspire,honest can only lead a nation to development.Everyone wants to live in a developed nation. In India first step for development should be forwarded in the agricultural and farming sector.By adopting modern ways of agiculture we can improve our agricultural sector and can get good returns from the efforts.Likewise we can make development in other sectors.To make this real , we elegible leaders.It is the time for the youth to contribute their visions for our nation and work for the rising of a new India.This time calls for a change, rather than complaining about 'the slow development' or a 'lousy Indian govt.', we all need to wake up from slumber and contribute in the smallest ways that we can because each drop in the ocean counts, and in India, it's just the matter of over one million people.
Wow!!..now this one truly sounds scary!It is said that if one stands in a tunnel in one of the woods and lights a wooden match in the middle of the tunnel (at midnight), they will hear a scream when it blows out. The scream is said to be of a little girl who was burned alive by her deranged father, who lost a legal battle over the girl. Also, some have reported seeing the ghost of the father, sometimes carrying a lantern. There is a rumor stating that the ghost will stalk people, and that whoever gets caught by it will die suddenly.
Ghosts are supposed to be apparitions.Some accept their existence while some deny..Some people think ghosts are spirits of the dead that stay on Earth. Others believe that when something violent happened long ago, it left behind an 'energy' that repeats the happening in a ghostly way, again and again. Others are sure that ghosts are just something people imagine seeing.
Image:Ghost of Raynham Hall