Money gives you Power, they say.Yea, you have the power to choose from which hotel or restaurant u want to eat out tonight. But none said, money gives you the power to waste food, when someone in some other part of the world is starving."Around 25000 ppl in the world die of hunger, EVERYDAY"..was the message of this touching film.Indeed, it touches one's heart to see, in a world where we have so many options, with a no. of choices to choose from, what remains the plight of these people.SAD.
Some of the alarming facts about hunger:
Every 3.6 seconds, a person dies of hunger, of which 75% are children.- More than 840 million people in the world are malnourished — 799 million of them live in the developing world ie countries like INDIA.
- More than 153 million of the world's malnourished people are children under the age of 5.
- Malnutrition can severely affect a child's intellectual development. Malnourished children often have stunted growth and score significantly lower on math and language achievement tests than do well-nourished children.
- While every country in the world has the potential of growing enough food to feed itself, 54 nations currently do not produce enough food to feed their populations, nor can they afford to import the necessary commodities to make up the gap. Most of these countries are in sub-Saharan Africa.
Hunger may not only lead to deaths but also change the direction of one's life.He/she may resort to illegal and wrong ways of making a living.Apart from unemployment, food and hunger is one major problem the nations worldwide are facing today.

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