Dsnt sound all that enticing,ryt..!!??But,it's da need of the hour.The earth is over four thousand mn years old..humans hav grown a long way.Thru periods startin with creatures like the dinosaurs n then the Stone Age,now we have come to live in way developed times.We are living in a time,our forefathers wouldnt hav evr imagined.Man has exploited the magnanimous creation of God since the very beginning.Well,Nature is the most beautiful gift of God,and Man was one laudable creation of his.Man had been gifted wid the incredible power to think.Thinking and working,man has developed and built himself a wonderful heaven-full with the luxuries he cud hav barely evr imagined.Today,although our needs hav more or less been satisfied, our greed has absolutely no limits!!Our materialism has cut down the roots of our ethos, our nature to care n share seem to hav disappeared somewher in the thin air.We have become nthn but slaves to our very own creation-MACHINES!Considered to be the biggest boon, till some years back..they hav proved to be an equally major blight for mankind.
And all of it takes it toll on our precious and marvellous nature!!Man ravages the nature to give shape to his ingineous creations,without taking note of the peril that awaits us.I think it’s rlly time to start thinking about nature and to strt conserving it.The answers to global dangers like deforestation,global warming,draughts,tsunamis,floods,mass killings lies within our life circle.
Its tym to understand that what goes around,definitely comes around,…maybe wid a higher force.The more we harm nature, the more it’ll harm us.So, lets all pledge to save this valuable creation of God and respct it.Let’s pledge to GO GREEN!!!
And all of it takes it toll on our precious and marvellous nature!!Man ravages the nature to give shape to his ingineous creations,without taking note of the peril that awaits us.I think it’s rlly time to start thinking about nature and to strt conserving it.The answers to global dangers like deforestation,global warming,draughts,tsunamis,floods,mass killings lies within our life circle.
Its tym to understand that what goes around,definitely comes around,…maybe wid a higher force.The more we harm nature, the more it’ll harm us.So, lets all pledge to save this valuable creation of God and respct it.Let’s pledge to GO GREEN!!!
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