Shockingly, the girls were harassed by police recruits who had come to take an entrance exam.
..these are just two of them.Just 2 incidents which show how unsafe the ladies of our country are.YES,particularly of our country.The expression “eve teasing” is of Indian origin, the wrd is not found in the dictionaries. And native speakers of English don’t use it.
A lady is supposed to be the greatest creation of God.She is a daughter, a friend, a sister, a soul-sister, a mother, a wife and life-long ,the list of relationships go on increasing in her life, and so do her sacrifices.
Yes, i'm talking of a LADY.They say, when God found Adam and Eve eating the fruit of knowlege, in the garden of Eden, he cursed both of them. But he cursed Eve saying that every girl born on earth will have to undergo the pain of childbirth. But,a woman takes that pain also as the biggest joy of her life.
India freed itself from the shackles of the British. Apparently, we've freed our nation from the so-called evils of the sati system, purdah system ,female infanticide and the dowry system. Look closer.., the reality is even more dire..
Earlier,women were suppressed and inflicted with the most gruesome of atrocities.Some of them died bearing the torture, some of them died fighting the carnage and some of them did make a difference.They set examples for the rest of the women.Inspiration, is what they gave the rest.They fought for thr rights and aimed for the stars. Today women are on the forefront, competing with men and proving that they are no less.. Women have landed on the moon. Reached for the stars and touched them. They have proved themselves equal to men in every way. Yet every 51 minutes a woman is sexually harassed. Every 21 minutes one woman is molested. Eve teasing is something that she has to contend with everyday.
EVE TEASING is a rampant social evil. It is all pervasive- beaches, roads, cinema halls, buses and sadly even in educational institutions. When eve-teasing persists even inside educational institutions, one can obviously infer that even the educated youth don't necessarily desist from indulging in this uncouth behaviour.
Innumerable rules have been laid for the safety of women in our nation.
Toss the news channels, every day there will definitely be news about a lady raped or molested or harrassed....
indeed, a BIG question.They are NOT at all safe. Its not dat only the man around the street or workers or vendors indulge in such acts, the ppl who are "supposed" to ensure safety to the females are equally treacherous.
Remember,the Marine Drive Case which shocked the entire nation.
That was JUST one such case.There are many others, in our memory and some still in darkness.SAD, but such is the plight of the women in OUR nation.
Eve teasing violates a woman's basic right to live in dignity. Will women forever remain targets and victims of eve teasing? Will their rescuers continue to be unwilling martyrs to a dead cause? Till when can the females continue to live with this fear- fear of getting out of their homes, fear of travelling alone, fearing about their daughters..??TILL WHEN?
When spoken about such issues, a noticable point which comes into light is that a girl/women herself is blamed for any such unethical act inflicted towards her.Women are often criticised for 'inviting' molesters by way of their 'seductive' way of dress and make-up..OhCrap!
Women's rights activist Maitreyee Chatterjee says that even a burqah cannot guarantee safety. "Section 354 of the Indian Penal Code which mentions the arrest of a culprit for attempt to outrage the modesty of women does not have any condition about the victim's dress," she says. Filmmaker Anindita Sarbadhicari says that eve teasing and molestation are acts of perversion. "It is foolish to think that molesters get turned on by the victim's dress. Then why are there so many rapes in Islamic countries?" asks Sarbadhicari.
The power lies within. Most of the times it happens that in buses or other public places a lady is made uncomfortable by the malicious gaze of a male around. Inspite of brimming with anger, she controls it. This makes the male more confident. These kind of incidents are most likely to happen in public transport..a women must learn to defend herself.
Be strong. I believe one should never hesitate to fight or slap back. Ask d others around for help . Be loud and rude to the fellow(s). The crowd will automatically help u.
If you see a group of men hanging out, or a man who's making eye contact with you and trying to get your attention, take a detour. Better safe than sorry. Many have resorted to carrying pins, ginger sprays, chilli powder,pen-knives and even daggers as a deterrent. Others have taken self-defence classes and these martial arts do help!!!Fear is one big loophole in such situations. Facing it with courage maybe of a biig help. Face your fear, then you'll be ready to face any such situation!! Women are indeed the shimmering jewels in the vast population of our nation. They need to be cared for, and secure..!!