Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A tribute to a dying nation

Ours is a young nation, beautiful and replete with natural beauty and cultural heritage. 60 years from independence, we look at how far we have come. The developments that have taken place. Something to make us all proud. Very proud.

Looking deeper, a part of the society is still in darkness. While the urban locales are budding with improvised standard of living, better jobs, higher number of educational institutions, better equipped with the latest equipment in industry, better health facilities and faster development, the rural parts are still in ruins. Not much help has been meted out to the remote areas; they are still places without proper supply of drinking water, devoid of electricity, sanitation and good health facilities. Unemployment and lack of education is eating the people of our own nation. The vicious cycle of poverty, lack of education and unemployment is leading the rural part of our nation nowhere.

That is just the beginning. The nation today is in peril not only because of poverty or unemployment, but because of corruption that aims at taking down the entire nation. A bad judicial system, illiterate "leaders" heading the states of our nation and the number of scams to which the resources which can otherwise be used for upliftment of the State fall prey to, are a few of the factors.

Every day, the news is outlined with cases of crimes against women. Be it an acid attack or honor killing or murder or rape or female infanticide. It was heartening to see the whole of Delhi erupt in protest of the ghastly crime on 16th December. But again, the system promised to look into the case, promised that justice would be served. Words remained on paper, the nation is back to where it was, and justice remains shrouded.

Lack of education could have been blamed for the rise in such crimes. But again, lack of apathy and the paucity of sanity and compassion cannot be steered away from imparting education. These are something innate, inbred in every individual. The society is ruled with monsters roaming around having no thought, just clear indifference towards the rest of people living in the society. And to top it all, the insufficient political and judicial systems are taking the country to deeper levels of downfall.

Where are we heading? Where is the unity and peace, Gandhi dreamt of? Is this the cost of living in a nation, whose freedom was bought at the price of the lives of martyrs like Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev? A nation, whose name used to make us proud about being an Indian, now brings upon us, at least on me, utter shame. Baby girls are getting raped savagely, girls can’t walk safely during any time of the day, the poor are tormented, people from lower echelons of the society are mistreated like they are outcasts, people standing up for truth get killed, and the truth gets twisted and turned and in the end gets bought for a sum of money. A nation where justice, in some cases, takes years and years to come; Where political parties play on humans and cause schisms in the society; Where people are valued less and avarice blinds the conscience of people; Where nowadays not even a baby girl is safe; Where a rape victim is victimized, while the culprits walk scott free. And in the worst case, the cases get closed and victim is lost in anonymity sans justice. Sad is our plight.

The police force set up for our protection, turns out to be the biggest tormentor. It's members all living for money. Police blames the victim of any crime for the crime, and fails when it comes to catching the perpetrators. If the culprits are caught, the judicial system delays the case and takes months and years of time for trial and a sentence to the wrong doers. In such a case, where do we see hope?

No society is perfect; crime and anarchy have existed since old, old times. But our society is falling to its destruction. Anarchy is taking over. No matter how uneducated the people in a society are, it doesn’t account for barbaric and unrelenting behavior towards ones’ own fellow beings. And even worse are the people who make merry when a part of the society is suffering, and use it for their own benefit.

Last November as the 21st approached, we were talking about the world ending. Many people anticipated that as well, others were afraid of it ending. Amidst that, none of us saw that the world did end. A world filled with joy, humanity, compassion and hope. Now all we have is a world around us sans all these, a place which is plagued with discomfort and apathy. Where people revel in accruing benefits from crime, where females are unsafe and not respected and where children can’t laugh hard and play in joy.

PS: I have focused too much on the dark side; I know that goodness in the society still exists. But we need to know that a major part of our society is at strife. People are suffering. This was just a reflection of the saddening events from our daily national life.