He is supposed to come alone and go alone but his journey from birth to death, is called life....smthn he is supposed to "share" wid others!Right frm our childhud, we come across so many ppl, whn v wer born, we wer surrounded by ppl, when we first rose to walk and had our first great fall, we wer surrounded by ppl..right from our kindergarten to lower grades to middle school to university, we have a certain set of THE most wonderful ppl with us called chums or mates or buds or FRIENDS!!

They say friends are the family u choose. How true, indeed! We embark on a journey called life knowing nobudy at all, but thru the course of the journey we meet PEOPLE. Some we like, sum we love and the others we loathe. And a bunch of those whom we love are called friends!!
Talkin abt myself, i rlly feel friends are indeed a VERY VERY major and integral part of your life, rather yourself! They know evrything abt you and accept you the way u are. The moments spent with chums are one of the most memorable moments which giv u innumerable memories to cherish later :) Talking abt my buds, i have spent some of the really wonderful, most cherishable, most fun, most embarrasing, mosty happy, most proud, most sentimental, and enjoyed all those emotions when my friends hav been der with me. This is me talkin abt my school life( which indeed was LIFE, at its best) as well as my college life( which i gues wud be another odyssey by the same name as the previous one..) :)) .Well ,what i love abt ma frnz is dat no matter how well or how rudely or how badly i behave wid em, they'd neva expect me to change. They adore me for the person i am. They have borne the happy gurl in me, they have consoled the sad girl as well, hav withstood my anger, they bear my most boorish nature wid a smile and supported me when i get the worst of my mood swings possible( aries nature, AHEM!) and most of all, they NEVER expect me to speak sense ;)).

AHA! thats the major question!!U come across people of different kinds- cool, dumb, smart, confident, swank, proud, ill-tempered, caring, selfish, loyal, luving, adorable, cute, ill-mannered, cranky, greedy,..and the list goes on and on..but the hypocrisy in people, that too still goes on.
Hypocrites-bigtym hipocrytes, n dealing wid them soo difficult n thats where diplomacy comes into play. Everyone aims to be at the greatest heights in life and people lose their essence, we run behind fame, lucre, jobs, love, lust, etc and see a totally transformed face of our own. People whom we met like five years ago seem to be totally changed humans..people keep up a facade that is so totally against their real nature. People change, they lose their essence and get totally converted to souls they themselves would never hav imagined!!
The race is on, the tracks are set..!
Whose ready to run and reach the final point, the point where u see urself with a brand new face??
WHO is ready to win the race..??